old news
Hollington and Kyprianou's Hoodwink commission in a Wilkinson's store in Folkestone.
Solar System Parameters is the first book from London based graphic artist and painter Phil Ashcroft. The text includes essay’s on Ashcroft’s practice by Paul Hobson, Director, Modern Art Oxford and Simon Hollington, Co-Curator of The Hope of Wrecks, Artist and Lecturer in Contextual Studies at Central St Martins, London.
“Cynical, dissatisfied, border-line disruptive, the work broods with a simmering revolutionary disquiet.” - Paul Hobson
“Phil Ashcroft – a 21st century John Martin if John Martin was painting Mega-City One after the neutron bomb had been dropped.” - Simon Hollington
More details from
Some of the goods from 'The Castle' on sale at the Folkestone Art Car Boot
14th - 18th August 2014
Flatpack Film festival, Birmingham
Sebastopol Film Festival, USA
Stockholm Film Festival
CIFF, Canberra International Film Festival, Canberra, Australia
FantasticFest, Austin, Texas
Horse Hospital, London (25th and 26th April)
Camden WMC, London (29th April)
PictureHouse at FACT, Liverpool (28th April)
DOXA Film Festival, Vancouver, Canada (5th May)
Jo Addison, Chris Doborlowloski, Daniel Goodwin, David Ersser
Friedrich Kunath , Martin Kippenberger, Kypros Kyprianou,
Adam Norton, David Shrigley, Ali Tareen, Paul Theck.
Curated by Simon Hollington and Andrew Marsh.
The University of Hertfordshire Art & Design Gallery and Museum of St.Albans. Art and Design Gallery, Fri 13 Sept – Sat 19 Oct, Museum of St Albans, Fri 13 Sept – Sun 27 Oct
Closing Reception: Sat 26 Oct 6–8 (Museum of St Albans)
will be in 'Psychogeography' at Arthub 5-9, Creekside, Deptford, S.E.8 4SA between 6-16 March (Thurs-Sun 1-5pm)
Opening: 6 March 2014, 6-9pm
'Canary' is on as part of the Made In Roath festival, Cardiff17th-24th October. More details from
We are showing work at the Hanover Project, Bhailok St, Hanover Building, University of Central Lancashire Opening Hours: 23rd October - 29th October 2013, 10am – 5pm Preview: 23rd October 2013, 5 - 8pm (following the George Barber Lecture) More details from
Whitechapel Gallery, Thursday 5th September with a Q&A.
Kypros will be giving a presentation 'Let me paint you a picture' at a symposium of performative presentations and provocations organised by Loughborough University School of the Artsʼ Lee Campbell and Mel Jordan in association with Trade, Nottingham.
Trade, 1 Thoresby Street, Nottingham, United Kingdom, NG1 1AJ.
Saturday 13 July 2013
12.30pm - 18.30pm
If we received a message from the future telling us that something we are doing now is screwing up people in the future-what would be the correct ethical response-to act or ignore? Well the answer is more complex than you think- give it a read- it’s a page-turner.
'Mirage Men' a Lundberg, Pilkington, Denning, Kyprianou feature length documentary will be premiering at Sheffield Doc/Fest in June 2013.
"A brilliant piece of work" - Adam Curtis, Director of the Power of Nightmares
"An incredible story" - Jon Ronson, author of the Psychopath Test
"I knew it" - Kyp's mum
The Allenheads Findings has been shortlisted by the Association of Professional Futurists for the 2013 Most Significant Futures Works, for publications completed from 2008 to 2012. We are up against some pretty stiff competion including Bruce Sterling and Cory Doctorow.
A film version of 'Towards a Disarmament of Theatrical Cinematography' is being screened at Furtherfield Gallery in One Minute Volume III, curated by Kerry Baldry. Various weekends January-February 2013.
A short film about the Olympic torch
Cultural Olympiad (West Norwood)
Adams & Smith is featured in the book, 'The Future of Futures', marking the 10th anniversary of the Association of Professional Futurists.
'Evidence & Values For A New Age' will be appearing for one night at GHost, EXPANDED an Exploding Cinema event at Goldsmiths new exhibition space in an old church - St James Hatcham. London.
Ghost is curated by Sarah Sparkes.
Sat 1st December 6-10pm
Opening: Saturday October 15, 2-6pm at the old Post Office, Allenheads, Northumberland. Exhibition and film screening continues until December 7th.
Private view: 22nd June 6pm-9pm
Public House Projects, 62 Gowlett Road (above the Gowlett pub), Peckham SE15 4HY.
For further info Public House Projects.
If you find yourself in Canada in April 2012 we will be guest speakers at The Nuclear Industry Research Group Nuclear Industry Research Group conference and workshop 'The Nuclear Industry in the 21st Century Environment.' at the University of Toronto. We’ll be giving a presentation on our involvement with The British Atomic Nuclear Group and general Nuclear Industry skulduggery.
The Nightwatchman / BANG archive is also here
Two Squared, (Kypros Kyprianou) and One, lime Street (Kyprianou / Rose Butler)

OCT 1 - OCT 3, 2011
Opening Preview Friday, September 30
L.A. Mart, 1933 S. Broadway, Los Angeles
The latest edition of the South Korean Contemporary Art Journal has a decent splash on our British Atomic Nuclear Group project. And the magazine even appears to contain no adverts. Just writing and pictures and stuff. So if you find yourself in South Korea, pop down to the local John Menzies and bag yourself a copy.
The Nightwatchman / BANG archive is also here
We are showing some films at
Peloton in Sydney, Austalia, as part of Kerry Baldry's One Minute Volume 3 and One Minute Volume 4.
From 24 Nov– 17 Dec.
One, Lime Street (with Rose Butler) is being shown as part of the Wirksworth Festival , on the 18th September, 6:00pm, Wirksworth Town Hall.