dark arts peloton simon hollington

dark arts peloton simon hollington

dark arts peloton simon hollington

Keep your money we want change

Keep your money we want change

Keep your money we want change

Words out of context

G20 banner 2009

Property is Theft

Property is Theft

Property is Theft

Words out of context

G20 banner 2009

A Restless State

How to stand in a line

How to stand in a line

g20, police, bishopsgate, Financial Fools Day

G20 police officer breaks kettle

G20 police officer breaks kettle

The power of carbon eh? Whilst drawing this officer who was part of the kettle guard against anyone going in or out, he suddenly realized that I was drawing his portrait, and broke rank (or as I like to see it, realized the stupidity of Section 76 and 24 and quit his job.

Del, Edmonton PC in the kettle

Del, Edmonton PC in the kettle

Now Del didn't know about Section 76 at all, which is a bit odd really,because I genuinely believe him and his peers don't see a connection between protestors being corarlled / kettled in, whatever, and the death of someone, or indeed, what would happen layer when the tv news crews had gone home - namely, the climate camp being charged by MP's with batons and then making some frightened people delete images of police officers 'going about their duty' from their cameras

policeman guarding kettle

policeman guarding kettle

A policeman guarding the kettle, turning around a lot. This one took about 5 minutes. He was very fidgety.

Two policemen form a kettle g20, Bishopsgate

Two policemen form a kettle g20, Bishopsgate

Two policemen form a kettle at g20, Bishopsgate Financial Fools Day 2009