
COBALT is found as a by-product of mining and refining NICKEL, SILVER LEAD, COPPER and IRON.

There remains a ‘highly political market’ (which I take to mean business as usual from the trade mags) for COBALT in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

COBALT is used for its blue, green and yellow colourting properties in glass, pottery, tile and enamel, aswell as for magnetic alloys, electroplating, batteries foodstuffs and B12.


Approximately 2 million jobs in Europe are related to Chlorine.

- 85% of medicines are made using chlorine chemistry.

- 96% of crop protection used by farmers are based on chlorine chemistry.

- 55% of European chemical production depends on chlor-alakali products.

- 98% of Western Europe’s drinking water is made safe with the help of chlorine.


Pepto-Bismol (Bismuth Subsalicylate)

Bismuth compounds have been prescribed for indigestion and stomach complains for well over 200 years. No-one is absolutely sure how they work. Somehow they protect the gastric lining against attach and may also reduce the activity of certain digestive enzymes. As the ready availability of Pepto-Bismol over the counter demonstrates, bismuth is a marked exception to the rule that heavy metals are toxic.